

Whether you're looking for residential or commercial geothermal products, we have the right solution for you backed by our industry-leading efficiencies and warranties.
Residential Products

Residential Products

Commercial Products

Commercial Products

Enertech's EPIC connected controls, the premier solution for heat pump monitoring and controls, is now available with select GeoComfort heat pumps.

See More About EPIC

We offer many optional accessories for each of our geothermal units:

See Geothermal Accessories

Residential Applications

  • Residences

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    See Case Studies

  • Outbuildings

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet irure dolor rump pork chop flank alcatra, pancetta veniam nulla burgdoggen chuck t-bone.

    See Case Studies

  • Supplimental Systems

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet irure dolor rump pork chop flank alcatra, pancetta veniam nulla burgdoggen chuck t-bone.

    See Case Studies

See All Residential Products


  • Retail Installation

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet irure dolor rump pork chop flank alcatra, pancetta veniam nulla burgdoggen chuck t-bone.

    See Case Studies

  • Manufacturing Installation

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet irure dolor rump pork chop flank alcatra, pancetta veniam nulla burgdoggen chuck t-bone.

    See Case Studies

  • Apartment Installation

    Bacon ipsum dolor amet irure dolor rump pork chop flank alcatra, pancetta veniam nulla burgdoggen chuck t-bone.

    See Case Studies

See All Commercial Products

Solar + Geothermal = $ense

Ask your GeoComfort installer about combining geothermal with solar for unparalleled savings!

Learn More About Solar Energy

Read more …Products

  • Hits: 65

Geothermal Accessories

Geothermal Accessories

We offer geothermal accessories to meet the needs of any residential or commercial building. Below are some of the most commonly used options.

Read more …Geothermal Accessories

  • Hits: 2236
by Enertech Global, LLC
2506 S Elm Street
Greenville, IL 62246