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Why Every New Home Should Have Geothermal

Enertech Marketing 10 Oct, 2023 5 minutes reading time

Building a new house is an excellent opportunity to consider all the features you want for your home and what will best suit your needsAny new construction project comes with many choices to make. The color of the kitchen backsplash, the closet’s location and design, and the type of heating and cooling system you will use are a few decisions you may have a say in. Perhaps you’ve been considering geothermal to cool and heat your home for a while. Or maybe geothermal is newer to you, but you want to see if it could work in your home. This article explains why you should consider geothermal for your new home or project.



You have more say in the layout of your geothermal system with new construction builds. While geothermal is an excellent choice for retrofit homes, it can be more convenient to have geothermal installed prior to or simultaneously with other early construction. A great (or, for some, not-so-great) thing about new construction builds is that you are forced to think ahead regarding your needs and wants and the layout of things that will work best for you. You can increase your options for the layout of different components, such as the loop type. Do you want radiant flooring anywhere in the house? Would you like the system to provide for your hot water needs? What kind of ductwork may be necessary? Where in the home would you like to put the geothermal unit? You won’t have to undo or change anything in your home if you can plan out the system before the house is completed. You can also more easily utilize all the features your geothermal heat pump offers when it’s been a part of the plan from the beginning.


One of the first questions most people have regarding heating and cooling their homes is how much the system will cost upfront and monthly. Though geothermal typically has a higher upfront cost than traditional heating and cooling systems, monthly payments are usually 25-50% less, according to There are many ways to decrease the upfront cost, such as utilizing the geothermal federal tax credit. The federal tax credit allows you to save an offset of 30% on the installation cost and is available at that rate until 2032. You will want to take advantage of this great resource when installing geothermal into your home. You can read more about the geothermal federal tax credit here. Additionally, there are financing options, such as the Clean Energy Credit Union. We also recommend you look into state and local rebates to see how you can bring the upfront cost of geothermal down even further.


The cost of heating and cooling your home is rising, especially if you are using gas or oil for heating. According to the National Energy Assistance Directors Association, heating bills are expected to increase by 17% across the US in 2022-2023, costing about $177 more on average and reaching the highest cost in over a decade. With the federal tax credits, now is an especially good time to choose geothermal. With geothermal, you can avoid rising energy costs and utilize consistent savings year-round. According to, geothermal heat pumps that are energy star rated (like most Enertech-manufactured ground source heat pumps) use 61% less energy than a standard geothermal model, which can save you around $830 annually and over $15,000 over the 20-year lifespan of the unit.


Geothermal saves you money while you are in the home and can be a good investment if you move,  too. Should you choose to move, know that geothermal will likely increase your home’s value. Buyers may be willing to pay more upfront for a system that saves them money over time. Geothermal heat pumps can last for over 25 years, it’s a green option, it’s not visible from the outside of the home (increasing curb appeal), and the unit is quiet, which all appeal to buyers and appraisers. Money-saving features in your house are a great way to increase the home’s value overall.


Not only is geothermal good for efficiency and monthly savings, but it is also good for the environment. Geothermal energy is one of the most efficient ways to heat and cool your home. It uses the natural heating and cooling properties of the Earth to achieve this high efficiency. You can find out more about how geothermal works here. Electricity, as an energy source, is more easily renewed than fossil fuels. When heating and cooling your house, your choices go beyond controlling the internal temperature of your home. You make a difference by choosing geothermal for your home. The United States Environmental Protection Agency recognizes geothermal as the most environmentally safe, cost-effective heating and cooling system on the market. According to, installing a geothermal system is equivalent to planting 750 trees or taking 2 cars off the road.

While geothermal can work splendidly in retrofit applications, it’s good to take advantage of the freedom and leniency new construction planning and building allows. You will be making many choices when building  a new home or building, and geothermal is worth factoring into your plans. It’s efficient, cost-effective, and able to fit many different applications. With the 30% federal tax credit and other resources, you can offset the upfront cost more easily, save money over time, and heat and cool your home in an environmentally responsible manner. To find out more about geothermal or to be placed in contact with local installers, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

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